Friday 2 October 2015

My Make-Up Brush Cleaning Routine

I have looked around for so much information on how to wash make-up brushes. But I have discovered a very simple routine which I swear by.

First of all, cleaning your make-up brushes is a very important part of your skin care and make-up application. It is vital to do your make-up with clean brushes. I have to admit i

t, I don't wash my make-up brushes every week, but this is because I wear make-up only on the weekends, so every other weekend I will give them a clean.

I have also purchased the make-up brush cleanser from No7 for my brushes, it is a very good product, but for some reason I don't feel like it's cleaning the brushes up to my standards and my liking. I have only used this product once, i don't use it anymore so I will probably be selling it on my Depop which I will probably post it up on our Instagram page or I might even do a small post about it on here.

Carrying on, I have a small set of make-up brushes. Most of them are Real Technique brushes, but that's because I received one set as a Christmas present from my brother ( I obviously asked for it!). I do have a Bobbi Brown eye shadow brush, an eye shadow brush from Marsk (received it in my October's GlossyBox), Primark kabuki brush (I'm in love with it) and the rest are Real Techniques. Oh! I forgot.. I do own a blusher brush from The Bodyshop and Avon however I stopped using the one from the Bodyshop at the moment, no particular reason, I just use the Avon's brush instead. I love both of them, but at the moment I'm having more of a relationship with the Avon brush.

So moving on to the actual reason I am writing this post, is because I want to share my make-up brush cleaning routine.

1. I get a huge salad bowl and fill 1/3 with warm water.

2. I then pour about 3 table spoons of Baby Johnson's shampoo and swirl it around so it foams up just a little bit.

3. I drop all of my brushes into the warm soapy water and leave them to soak it up for about 5 minutes.

4. I have recently purchased a Brushegg to give my brushes a more deeper cleanse, so I start swirling each brush onto the Brushegg bumpy bit. I use the bigger part of it for bigger brushes and smaller part for smaller brushes.

5. Once all brushes have been given a really good cleanse I rinse them under warm water.

6. Once all the brushes are free of the soapy water, I dip them in any conditioner or hair mask and leave it in for about 10/15 minutes, to give that very soft bristle feeling.

Giving my brushes a very good 'hair' treatment like I would give my own hair.

7. I then rinse the hair mask/conditioner with warm water and I make sure that I drain 90% of the water out of the bristles.

8. I lay them out on a dry towel and leave them to dry out over night.

9. Once they are dry, they are good go and be used to apply our make up.

So this is the routine for cleaning my brushes. I have cleaned them this way many times before and I have never been disappointed. Anyone can try this at home and if you ladies don't like it, use another routine. It's OK!

Thank you for reading this post, I hope you found this very useful and I will speak to you all later.

Until next time, girls!

Girls Online xo Vaiva..

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