Monday 22 June 2015

Miracle Nail Growth!

Hi Girls,

As this is my first blog after coming back, It took me a few days to figure out what I wanted to write about. How I wanted to draw your attention and what tips I wanted to share with you guys. So, if you're a girl, who has brittle, thin, weak, chipping nails carry on reading...

Since I started growing up and taking care of the way I look, I always felt unhappy about my nails, so to make myself happy and have nice looking hands and nails I would get false nails done (acrylics & gel).. Even though false nails do look beautiful, they truly make your nails very weak and unhealthy and if they're not properly taken care of, on some occasions I have heard that some girls get mold and fungus underneath the false nail. To be very honest with you all, I loved having false nails, all the different designs, colours and them always being long and hardly ever braking.. However, they ruined my nails, once I took them off after nearly a year of having them, my nails were paper thin, I had to have them very short because my nails kept on braking and chipping.

Having long nails was my dream, the same as having long hair so I kept trying different things, by things I meant different branded strengthening nail polishes, they would only work during the period of applying, once I stopped my nails used to go back to the way they were - brittle and thin. So I kept asking my friends if they knew any nail products which help strengthen the nails and once friend had recommended a nail polish, however I didn't buy it and didn't use it.

After quite some time, nearly a year, I went back home and saw my best friend and I was very shocked to see how long her nails were, I mean, she naturally has quite strong nails, but her nails very super, super long! So, when I asked her how she grew her nails so long and strong and she told me a secret, she gave me a secret potion for nails which her and her mum swear by! Funnily enough the secret potion is the potion my friend recommended to me a year ago which I never used, because I lost hope. So my best friend, being very kind, gave me the secret potion as a small gift and told me to try it.

Once I got back home and started using it, I was amazed on how quickly my nails got stronger and how quickly they grew. I was very satisfied with the result and happy, all of the girls I know were asking me how I grew my nails that long and strong. I actually finished the first bottle in about 4 months and purchased a second once and I am still using it. I can confidently say, that my nails grew long and strong in about a month, but because they needed a lot of attention after being suffocated by false nails I keep using it. The best thing about it, after applying a few coats,  your nails start to look like they have French Manicure, which is very classy and beautiful and goes along wiht any outfit and look.

So.... The secret potion I keep bragging on about is.......

Eveline 8 in 1 Total Action nail polish
The instruction is very clear and simple:

- Apply one coat every day for three days.
- On the fourth day, remove nail polish & apply again.

Once you get in to a routine it becomes very normal and a part of you of applying the nail polish everyday. Especially once  you start seeing the results.


I now swear by this product and will always use it, if I feel like my nails are getting weaker. There are also many other different types of Eveline nail polishes which I haven't tried, but I have purchased one other to try and waiting for it to come through. This nail polish is called Eveline Diamond Hard and Shiny Nails.

I cannot give you any update on this particular nail polish because it hasn't been delivered yet, but I am sure that it will do wonders, I will let you know after finishing the whole bottle! :)

Here is the link to many different Eveline brand nail polishes, which renew your nails instantly. A true miracle!

I have also purchased a serum for lashes, but unfortunately it hasn't been delivered yet, once I receive the product and use it for a month, I will let you all know about it, but here's how it looks and a link below, where I purchased it. I truly believe in this brand, it does what it says and I will continue purchasing these branded products.

So, girls, I hope you liked reading this and it made you consider purchasing this product. (I'm not trying to sell this, FYI). Please tell me if you have bought it and you liked it, it would make my day!

Until next time, Girls Online xoxo (Vaiva)

Binge eating!

Hello Loves!
I wanted to write something beauty related today but decided not to.I am going to talk about binge eating disorder (consuming large quantities of food in a short amount of time) to make it more clear ,binge eating ususally means junk food overload and simply having no control of what is happening.

So this is my story!
I don't know when it began but i guess somewhere between age of 14, it started of as simple as buying a large bag of chips (crisps) that is ment to be a sharing pack but was being consumed only by me, I didn't realise I was doing something wrong because I would consume that bag of chips or a large container of cookies and feel fine no guilt or anything  (guilt  is a big part of binge disorder) but it didn't end there the amount of food increased very slowly but it increased over time. Usually it turned into a late night snacking and then late night binging. I never understood what was wrong nor did I wanted to until one day I felt very guilty and disgusted with myself and that's when I knew something wasn't right and I should stop! And eventually I stopped binge eating but the nightly cravings didn't stop and I continued to eat mainly at night. And here I am today sitting here with a bag of sun-bites a bag of M&Ms and two packs of eclairs all consumed within a span of 10 minutes and that is why I am writing this blog, Binge eating is a very dangerous disease and that turns into a disorder without any signs or any consequences, but I am now understanding where this is all coming from its the fact that I didn't have proper nutrition I needed for today I keep up with clean eating and today all I had was a bowl of rice but never the less I worked out for a good 90 min so no wonder I was craving nutrition but instead my head made a very stupId decision over clouded by my disorder I am now clear of what is happening and I am fully understanding, because I know my body, I listen to my body, but now I gotta start listening to my mind as well, "happiness is a choice" and I choose it now I got to choose to understand my mind better and learn how to control this disorder .

At the end of the day I guess my goal is to at least help myself with this and to understand why this is happening!
This was an extremely raw and personal post I hope I can help someone and big thank you for reading our blog!

This is very undetailed story and very short but it's the first step I have never been diagnosed professionally but by doing my research I came to a conclusion of what it is.But it is a very hard and mentally challenging story because I am ashamed of it and I am trying to overcome it so please bare with me.

with Love Ugne

Thursday 18 June 2015

So Sorry!

Hello ladies,

As you may have noticed, I haven't been posting here at all.

This is not because I have lost interest, or because I don't want to do it any more, this is not true!

I stopped writing and posting, due to personal reasons and I feel very ashamed that I couldn't make more of an effort to to write one or two posts, as there have been a lot of exciting and new things happening in my life. New products purchased, tried and liked.

I sincerely apologise for abandoning this blog for many months, but hopefully I will get back in to it slowly, knowing I have more time on my hands as the summer has arrived!

Today, I am doing a presentation on something I am passionate about and I thought of this blog. Writing posts helps me to relax and refresh my mind. The minute I typed in to Google 'Girlsonlinexo' and opened the link to this blog, I started to feel butterflies in my belly. I instantly felt guilty for abonding it for so long. I want to apologise to Ugne, my wonderful friend who kept it up and even though she was absent for a while, she still managed to post a few posts, I am so proud of that girl!

So you guys and this blog are my inspiration, my passion and a thing I love to do - write!

From today, you will be seeing more and more posts about various different subjects, from beauty to health which is very important to both me and Ugne.

I hope you do forgive me girls and I promise not to abandon this blog again.

Yours sincerely

Girlsonlinexo (Vaiva)

Thursday 4 June 2015


Hello Loves,
So as the title states I will be talking about Health but not only physical health as important as that is mental health is the most important treasure you have.
There is a quate that I love "your body can do anything it's the brain that stops you" and that couldn't be more true!There is a study that was being done    proving that if the brain stopped recieving and communicating the chemical neurons we would be able to do things such as bite of our own finger feeling no pain but since the neuro chemicals are working sadly we are unable to perform action as such.Okay enough with all the scientific facts lets get to business :)

I personally never had any mental problems but as I grew I realized that I am not happy although I had everything family ,friends I was dressed and fed and had a roof over my head but somehow I still felt sad and just not happy and I could not understand why ,so I just pushed all those feelings to the back of my mind and finally it all got too much i reached my breaking point and I couldn't handle myself .So I went into a down rode spiral and I could not see a happy ending for myself and sadly I got no help so again I gathered myself together and pushed those feelings back down again until just recently I founds myself in the same place of sadness and confusion again yet this time I knew I had to solve this once and for all so as stupid as it may sound now I sat myself down switched off my phone and though hard and long about what the hell is happening to me and finally it occurred to me that I am not doing anything with my life all I do is study get home and waist my time on the internet.
I knew it all had to stop I had to find something I love and i did.I started off by thinking what could improve my health that led me to thinking about gym but then again I am not too good at running or any other physical activity so I turned to the only thing that could actually saved me and that was the biggest regret I ever made which was dropping  swimming so I decided to get back into it and I did I am now fully on a team having 4 practices a week plus gym which makes me happy although I may never be an Olympian swimmer at least I will always know that I didn't give up so that alone makes me happy.After all that I have no free time what so ever between juggling college a part time job and practices I have 0 time to myself or others around me but you know what I am happy I wake up with a smile on my face and I go to bed satisfied I may have no energy or I may be sore but I am happy I study hard I work out harder and my rewards are endless I feel good and I am happy I wouldn't want it any other way. 

So my advice is that girls if you are not happy with yourself please please take care of that do whatever makes you happy and please don't stop until you are staisfied and In a way of doing that you will come to a conclusion "HAPPINESS IS A CHOICE " so please choose to be happy choose to smile every morning because you are all so worth it!

With all the love Ugne xo

I am back!!!!

Hello girl!
I am back from the longest hiatus ever :) I am not going to go into too much detail why I was absent from this blog , but I do feel like I owe you all an apology for not writing anything for soooo long it's just that I had no time and no motivation what so ever , it's not like I stopped caring I just didn't know what to write or if I even wanted to write It was pretty rough ride that is my life for the last couple of month but everything seems to be getting back into their places I am finally feeling okay and I am back on my feet so I can now fully promise to blog much more frequently and more of fun content since summer seemes to be here already more adventure are coming my way and I am defenetly going to blog about it :) Okay so now that I got all that out of me I will be uploading a post about  my health and some tips and tricks on how to start a little bit healthier life style::) enjoy!

Love Ugne xo