Monday 23 February 2015

Coconut power!

Hello Loves๐Ÿ’•
So today I wanna have a little girly chat with y'all about coconut oil and why I love it so much.. I've heard about this oil on YouTube from various people and I never had the courage to buy it myself because I though oh well I can do the same thing with olive oil which includes home made masks and healthy treats but about two weeks ago Vaiva dragged me into this shop which I don't remember the name for it but it had products for women like for hair skin and also make up and she was buying coconut oil and I said what do you use it for??? And she told me this amaizing trick for a hair mask where you simply rub the coconut oil in your palms to warm it up into a liquid form and then you just apply it all over your hair just soak your hair with this oil.And I finally tryed it and guess what I LOVE It!!!!! It cleans your scalp and your hair it puts moisture back to the ends of your hair and gives an amaizing over all affect. Now moving on to the DIY mask the things you will need-
Coconut oil (there are 100 of viarities out there)

Towels to wrap you hair.

Shampoo to wash out the mask.

I personally love this one ๐Ÿ’•

And a wide tooth comb to get all the tangles out after you wash your hair!

So let's get started with the mask simply take around 4 tsp of coconut oil and melt it in the microwave just make sure you do it in like 10s intervals since coconut oil is solid at room temperature but has a melting point just a little above 35•C and the amount you melt depends on the lenght of the hair you have I personally used all the oil I melted since I have pretty long hair., Next brush out your hair so there is no tangles left and the method you apply the oil is up to you pretty much since you can starts massaging it to the scalp and work your way down or vise versa but this is how I like to do it i simply split my hair down the middle and I have no layers in my hair so it is pretty much all same lenght and then I devide each section into little sections and start to apply the oil from the end to the scalp when I have done all the little sections I then grab what is left of the oil and apply it on the scalp and massage it in (gently) plus you don't wanna rub it in too hard because that could cause your scalp to release even more oil and trust me we don't want that :D Now when you have applied the oil and rubbed it in flip your hair upside down and wrap it in a towel put your timer for 30 mins and do what ever needs to be done personally I like to pick up around my room :) sing and slightly dance :D and when 30 mins have passed wash your hair with shampoo and I personally do it 2 times since when you wash it once you can see the oils coming out with the foam so I like to do it twice for best results :) and then you can let it air dry or blow dry it and enjoy your new shiny some what healthy hair ๐Ÿ’•
With love Ugne

Hope you enjoy and try it out :* 

Tuesday 17 February 2015

Mini Essence Haul!

Hey lovely readers,
I have watched many vlogs and read many blogs and I have come to notice that a lot of vloggers/bloggers really do like Essence cosmetics.
I have recently come across a make-up stall in Wilkinsos (for those who live in UK) for Essence cosmetics and I got soooo excited! Of course half of the make-up was gone (probably because it's soo good) , but I did manage to find some interesting products which I will use in the future.
I picked up six items, which may seem a lot, but really it wasn't as the items were only small. Soo, first of all I picked up three nail polishes, a 'Glow in The Dark' top coat, probably for when I'm going out clubbing or something similar. I then picked up this chameleon bronze that has a little green in it and red, it looks amazing in the bottle, I haven't tried it as of yet, because I am trying to grow my nails and make them stronger by using Eveline branded nail polish ( I will leave a photo of it and will write a review after probably a month). And the third nail polish I picked up was in deep green, maybe forest green? I am very bad at describing colours, but you will find a picture below which you can take a look at.
I then saw a sponge similar to what pressed powders sometimes have, which was designed for removing nail varnish, in the package it says 'no cotton pads needed', which I instantly assumed that it is re-usable and very handy to have especially if you run out of cotton pads. I did test it the first day I purchased it and I have to say, I was quite disappointed as it didn't clean the nail varnish off instantly and you had to rub your nail with the soaked sponge for quite some time before everything came off. However, I am not saying no to this sponge as of yet, becase it might be that my nail varnish remover is old and it's not as strong as it is supposed to be.
Moving on, I purchased some nail stickers, some gold and silver nail studs which came in a star shape, little round stud and a square stud. I have not tried these out of yet, but once I do I will post it here.
Lastly, I purchased one of my must have items and most favourite item, which was 'all about matt!' oil control paper, which collects oil from your face when you dab the paper on to it. It comes in a pack of 50 and its very handy when going out clubbing or for day-to day use, I always carry it in my handbag or purse!
So here is my mini Essence haul and please see the pictures below to see how the products look like.

Please review, comment and follow :)

Girls Online (Vaiva) xoxo 

Monday 16 February 2015

Maybe it's Baby Lips! Review

Hey Girlies!

As most you know, it's been quite a while since Maybelline has launched their Baby Lips brand for moisturising lip balms.

It will not come as a surprise to any of you probably, as you all have tried these lip balms, but personally I think they are the most amazing and probably the most mosturising lip balms I have ever tried. It is definetly the product that 90% of women/ladies/girls love and re-purchase and correct me if I'm wrong here.

Those of you who haven't tried this line of lip balms by Maybelline, you are missing out! I think every girl/woman needs one of these in her bag/purse especially at this time of the year, when lips easily become chapped. So... moving on, those of you who haven't had a chance to try this product, please do as it does it's job 100%. I have been using this product since the last month of fall and I intend to use it probably for the rest of my life! I am that loyal to Baby Lips LOL

On the serious note again, this product is amazing, you can get them in different colours and scents. They have a large variety to choose from, from bright shades such as red or fusia pink to neon colours and clear ones, as well as nude and shimmery shades. If you have really dry and chapped lips, Maybelline have a line of Baby Lips Dr Rescue which has extra moisture and they are very rich, they kind of have a smell of peppermint and tee trea. I personally have a Dr Rescue lip balm for the darker days in the colour Nude, as you never know when a real crisis might hit your beautiful and sensitive lips. After applying it, it instantly leaves your lips very soft and smooth and healthy.

I do recommend this product to all of my friends and I will probably swear by this lip balm more than others and I will also recommend this to you guys, our readers and viewers

You can never go wrong with Baby Lips lip balms!! :)

Here is my collection ladies and many more additions to it!
Review, share and comment! :)
Girls Online (Vaiva) xoxo 

Sunday 15 February 2015


Hello Loves๐Ÿ’•
Sooooo!! I am gonna talk about a product by Garnier again!! :))) oh well by now you know how much I love it so I can skip straight to the part of where I give you full details of the product and today I am gonna talk about this-
So this is a moisturizer or day cream :) I use this before applying my make up and before I go to bed so judge all you want I use this daily and nightly and there is a reason for it ,,,., because it is so hydrating in the morning it helps my make -up to stay on for longer and to help protect my skin as for night it hydrates my skin and makes it soft and moisturized and full of energy I guess that's a weird combination but I am bad at describing things :D., This cream is very light and my skin takes forever to absorb creams like I mean once I applied body lotion and in the morning i still had layer of it on my skin even though I applied a tiny amount and rubbed it in very well,, so before buying this product I was skeptical at first but I took in on a hunch that it will work and one thing that influenced that was that the box with the cream weighted like bearly anything it was so light which means the cream will be light and it was true!! I will defenetly be repurchasing this product!

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 Ugne xo

Garnier facial scrub!

Hello Loves๐Ÿ’•
I am so sorry I haven't been uploading lately I guess I was busy with college and kind of lost motivation but I am back! And I am gonna try to upload as regulary as I can since I have few week off college (half term) and I have a lot of time on my hands!
Alrighty then let's get with the topic, which for today is skin care as I talked before I have combination skin which for me means having oily T zone and the rest of the face is dry and flaky. Since I looked more into my skin care I've realised what products I like which I don't and which is my must haves for certain months or days (you know girly stuff) soooo!!,, I have used many scrubs before such as Clean and Clear morning burst the yellow and the green one :) and those were introduced to me by my mother (thank you) because she takes care of her skin greatly so I try to follow.After using those for quate a while I stopped using any scrub at all due to the fact that one girl pointed out in my class like that I have very shiny skin which was due to the fact that I used that scrub in the morning since I did not wear any make-up I was 12 or 11 at that time I kind of got very shy after that comment and thought that maybe I shouldn't  use this scrub anymore. I started to use the scrub again like years later and I loved the feeling again I fell in love again I guess :) by then I started wearing a little mascara and blush so i loved the feeling of having clean and clear skin again.
Now to the point!!! This scrub is by Garnier ahh I just love Garnier products they have not disappointed me yet and I hope they never will! This specific scrub can be used daily because it does not contain any harsh chemical well I would say differently since it includes salicylic acid which I work with in the lab and it is harmfull chemical and is only handeled in the fume cupboard. But what I mostly love about this scrub is that the scrub leaves your skin feeling soft and clean just after one wash the scrub itself is not harsh becaue the little beads are tiny and never irritate your skin but the formula within the cream has very minty affect which irritates my eyes a little but other then that I dearly love this product and Garnier line for skin care in general.
Ladies you must try this if you are looking for good and affective scrub!!

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Ugne xo

Wednesday 4 February 2015

RITUALS (foming shower cream) Review

Hello Loves ๐Ÿ’•
So today i am gonna talk about a product that i have discovred through watching two beauty gurus (Zoella and Fleur De Force) they have talked and mentioned these products in their monthly favourites and shower essentials, so when we (Me and Vaiva) went shopping we stumbled upon the rituals counter.We had a look and talked how this shower cream was so popular and appearantly very good but when we saw a price which was £8 it kind of made us think is it really worth it? What if we don't like it??!? What if our skin doesn't like it! But then Vaiva noticed a sale for £4.50 now that guys is a bargain!!So we got it :) I was super excited and curious to try it out and I did it the same night :) I know I was like a kid on Christmas Day!! I didn't particularly know how much I should apply , because the consistency of the shower gel is like a shaving gel it comes out as clear gel and when you rub it between your palms it begans to foam and expand so after few days I estimated that you only need to squeeze the top for like 2s and that amount should cover your whole body!When I first washed with it my skin smelled incredible I cannot describe the smell for you guys but it has very soft  and gentle smell inriched with some sort of spice also a hint of cinnamon could be felt which I love! Even if you are not a massive fan of cinnamon it's not truly spiced with cinammon just has a hint of it in my opinion :)
Here is how the product looks-
The product is 250ml and will probably last me a very long time (I hope) because I truly love this product!
Here is the full collection they have so far-
And if I didn't describe the application clearly enough here is in pictures how the gel works!-
Hope you ladies are gonna try out this product and fall In love with it as well :)

Girls online xo (Ugne)
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Sunday 1 February 2015

Clean Make-up Brushes!!!

Hey Girls,

I am very excited about this product and cannot wait to tell you about it!

Sooo.. I have had make-up brushes for a long time now, w7, Body Shop and now Real Techniques, but I guess I have never cleaned them very thoroughly and I used to use make-up remover to clean it. WRONG!!!

From the moment I purchased Real Techniques make-up brushes I just wanted to treat them right and have clean brushes regularly. Being smart enough I have rummaged through the whole drug store until I found THE make-up brush cleaner and of course it was from No7!

When I got home I instantly went up to my room and got out my make up brushes and started the process. I am not sure if all make-up brush cleansers work the same way, but the way this No7 cleanser works is by soaking a cloth or paper towel with the product and running the brush across the soaked cloth or paper towel. You will instantly see the result and they are amazing! Don't forget to wait for the bristles to dry before applying make-up with it.

Review, comment and follow! :)

Girls Online (Vaiva) xoxo

Monthly Favourites!!!

Hello girls!

I hope you all had a very nice week and I am very sorry that I haven't been posting as much as I used to. My work has got on top of me and I know it's not an excuse, but that's the reason I have been slacking a little bit, however I am back now and I promise I will not slack as much. LOL

I have been waiting for a whole month to share my two most favourite products of January with you girls! I will write a brief review on both of the items. I know there are only two items, but they are the two items I completely fell in love with and will be re-purchasing or have done so already.

The first item I swear by is my No7 Foam Cleanser for all types of skin. To tell you the truth, this was a trial and error as some people would say. My mum had purchased this product for herself a long time ago and when I say a long time ago, probably about a year and a half ago or maybe two years ago. Me as being so curious I tried it once and it felt like a miracle instantly as my skin became very smooth and felt very clean. So from then on I have been purchasing this item over and over again and I literally cannot live without it any more. It doesn't make your skin oily or dry and I do have very complicated skin so this product is just perfect! For you ladies in the UK, if you do want to purchase this item you can just visit Boots (drug store) and purchase it from the No7 counter or just at the skincare shelves, I did walk past them yesterday and I saw this magical elixir for beautiful skin.

My number two on the favourite's list is the Maybelline Colour Elixir in 720 Nude Illusion. First of all I have come across this amazing liquid lipstick by accident as I was scanning through the beauty section in Boots (uk biggest drug store). I was actually looking at all the lipsticks as I was looking for a perfect nude shade. So, what I did is I tried it on my hand as I never apply tester lipsticks on my lips, you never know what's on them, so it's better to do it on your hand instead. I fell in love with this one and dropped it in my shopping basket, so when I got home I realised I got the wrong shade, I got it in 725 I think it's called Caramel Illusion. However, I loved this shade too so I kept it and used it, but as I visited the drugstore yesterday AGAIN I purchased the shade 720 and was very happy about it. I even apply it when I am just relaxing at home. What a freak LOL but I just love it too much!! Okay, so the consistency of these liquid lipsticks is very thick and when you unscrew the applicator there is A LOT of the product on the applicator, but I just wipe it on the bottle neck as I definitely don't need as much! The way I apply it is I go over and over again a few times to even out the product and just to let you know, the coverage or the pigmentation, however you want to call it, is absolutely amazing. Even with a little bit of product it does the job and I wear it everywhere!!! It stays on the lips for a reasonable amount of time, I mean it's nude so it's not so noticeable if it does wear off, even if it doesn't feel as sticky  the product is still on your lips. I would definitely recommend this product if you like a nude shiny lip, I think I will definitely be trying out all the colours in the Colour Elixir line as it truly does have amazing shades.

725 Caramel Illusion on the left and 720 Nude Illusion on the right.

Review, comment & follow.

Girls Online (Vaiva) xoxo