Wednesday 4 February 2015

RITUALS (foming shower cream) Review

Hello Loves 💕
So today i am gonna talk about a product that i have discovred through watching two beauty gurus (Zoella and Fleur De Force) they have talked and mentioned these products in their monthly favourites and shower essentials, so when we (Me and Vaiva) went shopping we stumbled upon the rituals counter.We had a look and talked how this shower cream was so popular and appearantly very good but when we saw a price which was £8 it kind of made us think is it really worth it? What if we don't like it??!? What if our skin doesn't like it! But then Vaiva noticed a sale for £4.50 now that guys is a bargain!!So we got it :) I was super excited and curious to try it out and I did it the same night :) I know I was like a kid on Christmas Day!! I didn't particularly know how much I should apply , because the consistency of the shower gel is like a shaving gel it comes out as clear gel and when you rub it between your palms it begans to foam and expand so after few days I estimated that you only need to squeeze the top for like 2s and that amount should cover your whole body!When I first washed with it my skin smelled incredible I cannot describe the smell for you guys but it has very soft  and gentle smell inriched with some sort of spice also a hint of cinnamon could be felt which I love! Even if you are not a massive fan of cinnamon it's not truly spiced with cinammon just has a hint of it in my opinion :)
Here is how the product looks-
The product is 250ml and will probably last me a very long time (I hope) because I truly love this product!
Here is the full collection they have so far-
And if I didn't describe the application clearly enough here is in pictures how the gel works!-
Hope you ladies are gonna try out this product and fall In love with it as well :)

Girls online xo (Ugne)
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