Sunday 4 January 2015

Bourjois "Smile enhansing gloss"

Hello Loves💕
So for Christmas i recieved this product that is a lip gloss duo but on one side there is a lip gloss and on the other there is a teeth whitenning gel.

Now when i first got it i thought the teeth whitenning gel is a really nice touch and that it will add a nice glossy shine to my teeth oh boy,.,. Was i wrong the gel does nothing to your teeth it just helps to freshen your breath for a brief moment and that is it , but the lip gloss itself is amazing i love the color because it is like a burgundy dark cherry red and the consistency of it it's not sticky and the application process is amazing because the gloss is smooth and easy to apply,, the only disadvantage to it ,it's that if you have your hair down and the wind is blowing your hair will stick to the lip gloss but other than that the product in my opinion gets a 7 from me becaue I love the gloss and a nice breath refresher.Also the gloss does not leave a residue on your teeth if you apply a normal amount and not over do it :) ., You will most likely need to re-apply the gloss if you had a meal with the gloss on because it will most likely become very dull color but it will stay on your lips.I wore this specific color on New Year's Eve I applied the gloss around 8pm and by midnight it was still on my lips even though I was enjoying a few glasses of fizzy drinks (cola) through out the night.
In my opinion every girly girl should have one lip product whatever it may be.In my handbag Nivea lip butter and this product is the go to when putting my handbag together.

Thank you for reading hope you enjoy,,
Girlsonlinexo (Ugne)


  1. Aw it's a shame the teeth-whitening part wasn't all that effective, but the lipgloss looks lovely as you say! :D

    Jade x ♡

  2. I know :( but I would still defenetly purchase the gloss again :)
    Thank you for the comment
    Ugne xo
