Thursday 1 January 2015

Ugne's Skincare

Hello loves,💕
From the minute I open my eyes and check myself out in the mirror "yes I do that" I usually then like to take care of my skin and I do that by firstly washing it with warm water then I lightly dry it with face towel and I then apply scrub which is by Skin Logy and it's a scrub with tea tree essential oils it is very gentle but it gets the work done and after washing the scrub off I then simply pat my face dry with the same towel and then move on to moisturising which I use No7 day cream although it is not a moisturiser it is still amazing cream it is very creamy and quite heavy but I only apply a dab of it on my T-zone and cheeks since it is winter I don't want to get a frost bite on my precious chubby cheeks :) after I moisturise I move on to doing my make-up as you can see, my skin care in the morning is not much. So after a hard day I really like to pamper my skin,  I personally like to believe that when you forget to take of your make up and you sleep with your make up on that will most likely cause your skin to break out and be very naughty to you. So I always and I mean ALWAYS take off my make-up if I am like extremely tired for example after a night of work or party I usually only reach for the make-up removal wipes ,although it gets the job done it is not the best option :) but if I have time I then really like to pamper my skin and really nourish it by taking off all my make up with make-up removal liquid I use the one from "The Body Shop" it is with camomile extract and it is really gentle on my skin because of how soft it is but the best part about this product is that it removes all your make up and leaves no trace of it on your skin.

I then like to use my Skin Therapy cleanser and toner occasionally.  I would change up my toners and use my Skin Logy toner which is much much stronger then the Skin Therapy one but I like it more because it can really help to clear up my skin especially my T-zone.I then like to apply my No7 night cream which is a bit more lighter than the day cream but it takes longer for the skin to absorb it.

Now this is a new product I got only few days ago it is Garnier Micellar cleansing toner which is a very similar toner to Bioderma water cleanser but much cheaper and you get a lot more.So when I got this product I though oh well it is Garnier so it is bound to be good and YES my expectations did not disappoint me it is extremely good and gentle on your skin plus it is a toner a cleanser and make up remover liquid amazing huh.,...? I am definitely going to be repurchasing this bad boy after I am done using the ones I am currently using.

Another product I will be definitely adding to my skin care is the No7 foaming cleanser that was recommended by the lovely Girl Online "Vaiva" it is an amazing foaming cleanser and I never had a foaming cleanser before so I have nothing to compare it to but I can definitley say it works wonders on my skin it is light and makes me shine which may sound that it is wrong for my skin but it definitley puts me in a good mood if my skin is smooth.

So here is my full skin care all I can say girls is that you have to take care of your skin no matter if you are covered in acne or have smooth and amazing skin because it is better to prevent pimples and ageing wrinkles rather than try to hide those things. I personally never really cared if I had a pimple or my forehead was covered in spots I would plaster it with concealer and foundation and would be fine with it ,but later on I realised what damage I was causing to my skin and started to take care of my skin, of course it took time but now I am very happy with the results and I am only going to add to my skin care as I grow.

Thank you for reading 
Girls Online xoxo "Ugne" 

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