Monday 19 January 2015

Tattoo experience and after-care .

Hey girls!
ever since I was 16 years old, I was begging my mum for a tattoo. When I found out about tattoo's, that was pretty much when I just knew that I want to get one sometime in my life. SOOO... we went to the tattoo artist to ask about getting one, and unfortunately he told us that they can only do it to people 18 years of age, due to still growing body and organism. I know there are other artists, usually private, who do tattoos to people under the age of 18, with the parent permission, however I decided to wait those 2 years, and properly decide what I wanted to get. After all, this was going to be a picture, on my body for the rest of my life, I didn't want to get something I will most likely regret later in life. Therefore in the mean time, I went with piercings. Yes, I know I'm some needle freak, although you'd have to practically drag me to the doctors who are ready to pin needles in me, but that's just because I have a massive fear of doctors and hospitals. I don't mind piercing my body, I had my tongue pierced, but that's long gone, and 2 years ago, I got my bottom lip pierced. Lalalala... I turned 18 in November! and you can guess what I asked from my parents... Yes, a tattoo. So here is my lovely<3

'Old School Roses' (left outer thigh)
(btw, it isn't that bright in real life, this is the lighting, sadly) Many ask me ''What does your tattoo mean?'' and ''Does your tattoo have a meaning to you?'' The tattoo isn't something that I chose which would have a meaning to me personally, I chose it because of the simplicity and pureness of its meaning, and mainly because I love red roses and I just wanted it on me... ''Red roses historically have been considered the symbol of true love or passionate love...'' Many may judge that tattoos should only be done if they mean something to you, however I would disagree with those people, because a tattoo was just something that interested me and I wanted it, and its every ones choice what they do with their body, so my advice to you NEVER listen to others. 
My mum actually tried to get me to change my mind about it, she didn't particularly like the roses, but I strictly told her, that it's my body, and I should put what I want on it, not based on other peoples opinions. 
Moving on to the process of getting the tattoo... I got a very good deal with the artist, as he works with my mum in a beauty salon, therefore I got a discount of £100, so the price went down from £360 to £260. When I was making the appointment, he offered me some cream which takes away 70% of pain during the process, I quickly agreed to it, as I am quite scared of the pain, and boy am I happy that I got it! I applied the cream 2 hours before my appointment, and wrapped it tightly with clear cling film. When I got to the salon, the artist showed me a picture he created. I found a picture on the internet of a tattoo I would like, however he changed it up a bit so it wouldn't be exactly the same, and I was happy with it. Moving on, the artist took the cling film off, I didn't feel anything, no numbness or coldness on the area, I was freaking out...''What if the cream didn't work?!'' However, it did, because the pain was very much bearable. At first when he was using one needle to go around the lines, it didn't hurt at all, I was chilled out completely... Here is a pic of how it looked 

He went around the picture with pen, and then applied it to my thigh, and it left a template which he want around in black. 
This is how it looked when it was done. 

Then he went on to colouring it in, using 3 needles. I can't say it hurt too much, as I was pretty much relaxed the whole 2 hours, except the last 10 minutes. The feeling started to irritate me, and I wanted to fidget and move, maybe because the effect of the cream worn off after the 2 hours. I have no idea, but I lived. Luckily. 

After it was all done, he applied sprays and creams and wrapped it up with cling film again. I was then told the steps of taking care of it and so on. I got given a tattoo gel/cream substance that had to be applied 3 to 4 times a day, wash my hands with anti-bacterial soap before applying, and wash the tattoo once a day. When taking a shower I was told not to stay longer than 15 minutes, as the tattoo will get dry if its soaked in water for a long time. Obviously I was told not to touch it for the next two weeks or more, until it heals, and no scratching. That was a hard one, as it got so itchy soon, I couldn't bear it, I actually scratched so badly, one bit started bleeding, and the colour went funny, kind of greyish... Silly me. However I am lucky, as they offer to do a retouch on the tattoo after it heals completely, on the parts that need correcting. So I went in to do it yesterday, and it only took about 2 mins, to go over the bit which I scratched off to make it black. 

p.s the cream I used to heal it... 'Tattoo Goo'

So yeah guys, that's my experience of getting the tattoo. I wasn't very scared to get it as I wanted it so badly, therefore I suggest to you girls out there who want to get one, make sure you think about it well, don't just get anything from the top of your head. Think about the design, the picture, the place on your body, find out the meaning of it, think about how you could cover it up if ever needed (e.g. job interviews), the size, the artist and place you will get it done at, and most importantly...Is it something you will want to have for the rest of your life, even when you're old and all wrinkly? Haha. These things are very important, because many people regret their tattoos after some time, and I heard it hurts much more to get them removed. 

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